Don’t have the time to host a sit-down dinner, but enjoy entertaining?
What about an appetizer or pick up food party?
With everyone leading such busylives now days, this is an easy way to
entertain friends and family without much effort on your part.
Here are some suggestions for food that is easy todisplay, attractive on your serving table, and delicious for your guests to enjoy.
With a party like this, you can invite more people who can mingle and entertain
themselves compared to hosting a formal or buffet dinner where you, the
hostess, are not able to enjoy yourself.
If you have other ideas, we will be glad to work with you on preparing just the
right appetizers for your gathering. Remember, my daddy always said,
“When you are invited to a party, it is your responsibility to have fun, not wait
to be entertained”. As hostess, here’s your answer to your part of the party -
the perfect way to make sure the tummies are satisfied.